Luxurious living isn’t only about the interior experience! Rather it’s the interiors and exteriors that converge to define a luxurious lifestyle.

More often than not, people who are into buying luxury custom homes in Vancouver, pay less attention to landscaping.  It’s probably due to their lack of knowledge that they underestimate the aesthetical and functional impacts that unique landscaping designs can have on their property!

In this blog, we’ll explore various front and backyard landscaping ideas that’ll not just help uplift the aesthetics, but would also play a major role in increasing the valuation of your property manifold!

Front Yard Landscaping Ideas

Compared to backyard landscaping, the potential is a lot more restrictedin front yard landscaping designs, the factors being privacy, and a limited area.

However, it’s not an impossible thing to achieve-

       Front Porch Seating Area

If the front porch area of your house is spacious enough, a few sofa sets encircling a coffee table would be a great addition to make it a useful seating area. It would be a perfect place to hang out and have conversations, or a great place for you to enjoy your tea/ coffee!

       Front Yard Garden

One of the most basic and convenient ways to upscale your front yard aesthetics is to plant a garden. Beautiful grass beds, with flowers lining the boundaries not only add a touch of greenery, but also contribute to the eye-soothing factor, thereby fusing sustainability with aesthetics!

       Stone Pathway With Fountain

Nothing compares to the charm of a stone driveway with miniature fountains to compliment the exteriors! Specific stones like travertine come available in a wide range of neutral colors. Go for a single-colored pathway, or mix and match the gravels to add to the contrast!

And if you think you’re out of ideas, seek help from professional house building contractors for unique and innovative additions to elevate your front yard landscaping designs!

Backyard Landscaping Ideas

When it comes to landscaping your backyard, there is a vast array of design ideas that luxury custom home builders like Roadhouse Homes bring about on your plate. From outdoor swimming pool, to barbeque zones and bars, the options are many-

       Private Pool

You can never go wrong with designing an outdoor pool! If you have enough space, plan with the best home construction companies to build the perfect setting for an outdoor pool in your backyard. Include everything necessary, from constructing the perfect deck, to matching furniture for a complete look!

There’s nothing to be afraid of, if you’re suffering from space crunch! Only, replace the pool design with a Jacuzzi, and you’ll be amazed with the results!

       An Outdoor Bar

An outdoor bar is considered as the perfect addition to luxury backyard landscaping designs. Moreover, if you combine it with an outdoor pool, it exudes a resort-like feeling, enabling you to have the upscaled living experience at your home only! It’s also a great idea if you’re into hosting pool parties and having fun with your friends!

       Outdoor Dining Area

An outdoor dining area is also a great option when it comes to backyard landscaping designs. Compared to the front yard area, the backyard of your luxury home has better privacy and hence, can be a great option to sit with your family or friends and share a hearty meal.

       Backyard Garden

You might have limited area or options to plant your front yard garden. But when it comes to backyard gardens, your options are limitless! You can make use of the entire backyard and make it an oasis of greenery, or can have a part of it allotted for your garden, and utilize the remaining space as per your choice!

       Water Fountains

The aesthetics of modern water fountains are often overlooked when it comes to landscaping ideas. It might not be the most useful addition, but it adds to the soothing charm of your home! The constant rumbling water sound is relaxing to the ears, and also adds to the aesthetics significantly!

To Conclude

Landscaping is a great way to elevate your luxury home aesthetically, functionally, and economically as well! With the correct landscaping design ideas and the help of professional home building companies, upscale your luxury living experience, and make your home a piece of heaven on earth!